Do Not Overlook These Five Things When Moving into Your New Home

So you have just purchased your new home, or you’re renting a new and better place. Congratulations! Whatever the circumstances of this move, setting up a new place always evokes a feeling of excitement. After all, you are starting a new leaf. You are beginning a new life in this place. While things may seem overwhelming at first, remember not to forget that moving into a new place comes with responsibilities, too. Whether you’re doing this solo or with family, here are the five things you should do before moving into your new home:

Change the Locks

You should be the one to put the locks on your doors. Yes, not your contractor. Ask someone you trust to install the locks. Whether it’s your dad or a friend, this should be someone you can trust to have your best interest. The problem with a stranger setting up your locks is they could get a copy of your keys in no time. That’s a security lapse you should never take for granted.

Also, choose better locks for your home. The Euro cylinder locks are one of the safest ones, so make sure to get those for your new house. You can also install a smart home system to allow you to monitor your home even when you are away.

locksmith working on door lock

Know Where the Breaker Box and Shut-off Valves Are

Unfortunately, for many homeowners, the worst time to realize they do not know where their breaker box and shut off valves are is when they’re in the middle of a home flooding or a sudden loss of electricity. This is one of the first things you have to ask the seller. You don’t only need to know where these are, but you also have to know how to turn them on and off. In case you cannot ask anyone right now, that’s when YouTube can be handy.

Transfer the Utility Bills to Your Name

If you bought the new house, the utility bills should be in your name now. The previous homeowner needs to transfer the bills to you. It will make it easier to speak with these utility providers in the future if there are problems with the phone, gas, electricity, and internet lines. Also, you need these bills as proof of address when applying for loans, opening a savings account, and subscribing to other services.

Clean and Paint the New Home

Walking into a new home is always an exhilarating feeling. But before you move your furniture and other things, clean and repaint the house. This is the best chance to do it. It is difficult to repaint the walls or retile the floors when you’ve moved in already. Call a contractor or even your family and friends for help. While a new home is exciting, a clean and newly painted home is even more inviting.

Prioritizing Repairs

Unless this is a newly constructed home, chances are that you need to make some repairs on the roof, plumbing, garage, basement, and many others. You do not need to renovate the house, but you sure do have to check what needs to be repaired. This should be a part of your home inspection report. The best time to fix these things is when you haven’t officially moved in yet. You do not have to fix everything, but major repairs should be done as soon as possible.

People tend to be overexcited when they are planning to move to a new home. To make your move as seamless as possible, make sure you’ve checked all the necessary things on your list. The last thing you want is to realize you have a leaky roof when you’ve settled in already.

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