Spring Cleaning for Boosting Productivity

When we talk about spring cleaning, the first thing that comes to our mind is our homes. However, spring cleaning is not just confined there; our offices deserve attention. Like our homes, we want our workplaces to look presentable to our clients and visitors. Furthermore, increased productivity is the goal of any organization, and a clean office environment helps you achieve that.

The Benefits of Cleaning Your Office

Whether you agree with this or not, the state of your workspace has a significant impact on your job. With a tidy workstation, you can easily access items you need, saving you a lot of time and energy. As the saying goes, “For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.”

Furthermore, people will always form an opinion about you based on how your office looks. A 2012 survey by Adecco shows that more than 50 percent of Americans judge their coworkers based on how they keep their workspace.

Though office spring cleaning might seem like a dreadful chore, undertaking this task has several benefits for your office environment. For one, it fosters efficiency and productivity. If you know where everything is placed, you no longer have to spend time fumbling around to find things.

Second, it promotes a healthier indoor office environment. Your employees are less likely to get sick and be absent. Furthermore, they will appreciate the gesture of your organization promoting cleaning. For them, it means that you value their health and safety above all else.

Lastly, having a clean office sends the right signal to your clients and the people you work with. It demonstrates that you are trustworthy and capable. First impressions can be difficult to shake off, so you want to put your best foot forward.

With all these laid out, here are some pointers for cleaning your office:


A crowded and disorganized workstation can be distracting and overwhelming. Thus, you should give some time to declutter your cubicle or desk. Having a clean work environment allows you to refocus your priorities and re-energize your workday.

Here are some of the things that you can do when deep cleaning your workstation:

  • Declutter the files and papers on your desk by using expanding file folders and binders and storing these in desktop file sorters and wall files;
  • Arrange your desk drawers by throwing out old pens, condiments, and other items that have accumulated at the bottom of your desk drawer;
  • Removing old notes and photos on your cubicle wall and replacing them with newer ones;
  • Cleaning under your desk and tying loose cables with a cable organizer; and,
  • Keeping your computer and keyboard dust-free by wiping your monitor with a microfiber cloth and using a compressed air duster to remove dust from your keyboard.

office people

Conference Room

Conference and meeting rooms are areas prone to spreading germs and viruses since various workers from different departments come and go. To reduce the number of sick days of your employees, take time to clean this shared space by doing the following:

  • Use sanitizing wipes to wipe down conference room tables;
  • Keep your whiteboards clean by using a whiteboard cleaning solution; and,
  • Replacing worn-out dry eraser markers.

Break Rooms

Another communal space that you need to clean is the break room. Wipe the microwave with a damp cloth to remove crumbs and food splatters, make it a habit to rinse out the pot after daily use, and tidy the countertops, especially after making a mess. Consider posting polite reminders on trouble areas to maintain the general cleanliness of the room.

Virtual Cleanup

Spring cleaning covers your virtual workspace. Allocate a number of hours to do a digital cleaning of your office computer or laptop. Here are some of the things that you can do:

  • Organize your desktop by removing unnecessary or outdated files;
  • Organize your email inbox by going through and deleting old and redundant emails;
  • Back up your files using various cloud storage options; and,
  • Replacing your desktop background to give it a brand new and fresh look.

General Repair and Maintenance

Spring cleaning also means regular maintenance and repair of your office building. As the winter season leaves debris, dust, and grime, you also need to contact your trusted contractors and roof repair services to ensure that everything is in good condition.

Also, encourage your staff to do a little self-maintenance every day. By keeping your documents neatly filed and avoiding leaving paper scraps and food crumbs anywhere, you give yourself less stress at the end of a workday.

Spring cleaning does not take a lot of time at all. Although only a few genuinely enjoy cleaning and organizing, all of your staff will understand the value of keeping a clean and organized environment.

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