Four Ways You Can Stand out as a Freelance Writer

Not everyone likes to write, much less compose thousands of words each day. But if you have a love for writing, you can turn your passion into a reality by starting a freelance writing career. But before you stick your toes to feel the freelance writing waters, make sure that you’re not doing this for the wrong reasons.

Have you recently gotten laid off and failed to find a job similar to your last one? Maybe you want to make some more money and think that a freelance writing gig can help you pay for more bills while you’re a full-time parent? These are examples of bad reasons to be a freelance writer. It can be very hard to manage your time when you’re a full-time mom, as freelance writing is also a full-time job. Also, no one would pay someone who is obviously just testing the waters and only giving half of their effort.

But if your reasons for launching a freelance writing career are your passion for writing, willingness to learn, and realistic expectations, then you are on the right path. But what does it take to be successful when there are already a huge number of freelance writers? Here is a simple yet effective guide to help you stand out in your new market of choice:

Find a niche you’re really good at

Since you’re still new in the market, make sure that you have a specialty niche you can offer to your clients. While learning new writing skills are always a good thing, focus on your best assets first. Market your niche and find clients who will need the kind of writing you have to offer.

Proofread your work

woman writingYou’ll be surprised that many writers don’t proofread their work. But in the world of freelance writing, this is a big no-no if you want to stand out. Clients will send in your samples to their editors. If you don’t proofread your work well, they will think that you have done sloppy research and will do the same after they hire you.

Use the rule of three

Many writers think that storing their work on their computers is enough. But if you want to preserve your work, start backing up your files. Don’t simply back it up once or twice; back it up three times. Save your work on your computer and on the cloud. There are lots of companies that offer reliable but affordable cloud backup services that freelance writers like you can take advantage of.

Be social and start networking

Let’s say that you already have your own blog that doubles as your online portfolio. Make sure that you put your name and work out there by being social. Build your social media presence, share your work, and connect with other writers who share the same passion. Engage with your followers and always provide them with a valuable post. Don’t forget about signing up on LinkedIn, showing off your talent, and networking.

There is no easy way to put your freelance writing career on top of the ladder in an instant. You’ll run through some challenges, but the journey will be worth it once you start achieving your goals. Know that you’ll need to have the right reasons before you can truly enjoy your new career.

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