Protecting Your Office Building from the Elements: The Necessary Steps

Your business establishment is a valuable asset for your company. The building houses the equipment, workforce, supplies, and space necessary to ensure that your operations continue to flow, so there is no question why it deserves protection. The first step will always involve security, so you will have to invest heavily in personnel, surveillance equipment, and planning. However, theft will not be the only physical threat you will encounter.

The weather can be an unpredictable, uncontrollable, and dangerous threat to your business establishment. Intense storms and other natural disasters could damage your building and everything inside it. Fortunately, you will find that most commercial establishments can withstand a few climate disruptions. However, you might come across natural disasters that could provide substantial damage to even the most solidified forts. The plan for increased protection will be necessary, starting with these steps.

Waterproof Coating

When preparing for a storm, you will find that the ultimate risk your business establishment might endure is water damage. Flooding will not be ideal for your building when constructed with concrete for your exterior walls and flooring. Water and moisture could seep into the tiniest cracks, compromising its proximity. It can be challenging to identify the areas that require maintenance or patching because they might not be visible to the naked eye. The results might only be visible when the damages are extensive enough, which means costly repairs.

Concrete is the most durable material for your office building, but you have to ensure that it has reinforcements. Fortunately, you can add a layer of protection with a waterproof deck coating. The paint prevents water from seeping through the cracks, ensuring that your building’s concrete is safe from water damage. However, you will have to ensure that professionals perform the application, especially when you have aesthetically pleasing designs in mind.

man on a ladder fixing house

Metal Reinforcements

Concrete can withstand the most intense winds and rain during a storm, ensuring that your employees and business equipment remain safe. However, the weather might find its way into the office building because of entry points. The common material used for windows and doors is glass, which could break if the wind and rain are too intense. The waterproof coating will not be ideal for those entry points, obstructing the view that the glass can provide.

Broken shards of glass and flapping windows and doors could be a concern, making it necessary to reinforce them with metal. You can apply the material on entry points to prevent them from swaying uncontrollably. Broken shards of glass might still happen, but you do not have to worry about the entire window flying throughout the office. Metal reinforcements provide the gravity necessary to keep entry points in place, making it a top priority for protecting your business establishment.

Electric Generator

Storms might not make it into your building, but they can lead to power outages. With most establishments relying on power for comfort and convenience, you will find that losing electricity could make your employees uncomfortable. Your equipment might also get compromised because of a short circuit. The worst-case scenario involves losing business data and information, so you will have to ensure that power interruptions do not disturb your operations.

Fortunately, you can install an electric generator for your building. The system ensures that your employees will not suffer delayed work and performance. If the storm is intense enough to make them feel like their safety is getting compromised, the generator ensures that they remain in a safe and habitable environment. It can be challenging for them to find the exit points without electricity, making it one of the most crucial resources employees can use for survival during an intense storm.

Evacuation Points

The building might no longer be safe during a storm, especially on high levels. Employees might have to evacuate the area or move to lower floors. However, it might not be safe for them to use elevators and escalators. Leaks could damage equipment that relies on electricity. To provide them with safe passage, you have to create evacuation points inside the building. Emergency exits containing staircases will ensure they have a way to avoid the intense weather.

However, you will have to make those exit points durable enough to for employees to use without disturbance. Evacuation drills must also be a regular occurrence to remind employees what they have to do during a powerful storm.

Your business establishment requires protection from intense storms, making these steps essential. However, you will find that your employees’ lives matter more than your building, so you will have to prioritize planning for their safety too.

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