man working on his laptop

Three Suggestions for Looking for Work During Lockdown

We’ve seen the devastating effect lockdowns and quarantines had on people’s physical and mental strength. It also has a damaging effect on people’s livelihoods, as businesses were shuttered and millions of Americans lost their jobs. Some industries, of course, were not affected as much as others.

The healthcare industry tops that list. There are still a multitude of opportunities for urgent care specialists as well as administrative staffing for clinics and hospitals. So if you have even a minor degree in healthcare, you would still be able to find a paying job in this economic climate. The same can also be said for accountants and bookkeepers. According to latest reports, they remain in the top three of in-demand jobs at the moment. Again, if you have basic skills for it, there’s still a whole world of opportunities out there.

Equip Yourself for Remote Work

Most businesses were able to convert their products and services as home-based offerings. In fact, this is what most experts believe the future of work will be, with most companies seeking a hybrid of remote and office work. You need to be able to keep up with the times. Invest in equipment such as a decent, working laptop or desktop, headset with a mic and, though optional, a good camera you can hook up to your computer.

Beef up Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

First things first, you need to update your CV. Make sure that the copy is clean, free of grammatical errors and that is customized specifically to the job you are applying for. Most job hunters make the mistake of simply crafting a generalized resume, but tweaking it in a way that would appeal to the industry you are applying to.

Secondly, as previously mentioned, remember that remote work is on the rise. When you update your LinkedIn profile, don’t forget to use words and phrases that are remote-work-friendly. For example, mentioning that you are familiar with Zoom technical tools and are capable of providing assistance during online webinars would put practically put you at the top of the list of hiring managers.

Leverage Your Other Social Media Networks

social media icons on keyboard

LinkedIn is excellent for professional networking but don’t discount networks like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Your friends on social media might know about job openings that you could apply for during this period. And while we advocate for tailoring your CV to fit the potential employer’s industry, we would be remiss if we didn’t advise you to apply for anything and everything. Sure, this would mean more work on your part, but the more places you apply to, the better your chances of getting hired.

We can guarantee that most of us, at some point in time, have had to endure the financial uncertainty of the future caused by this pandemic. Instead of taking on a “woe is me” attitude, shift your mindset to one of a hustler. Not a hustler that cons people, but one who is constantly moving and continuously seeking ways to make ends meet. Keep in mind that this is only temporary. Things will return to as normal a setting as possible soon, and by that time, who knows? You might have gained some other skills that would make you a valuable asset to any company.

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