sale sign on the mall ceiling

Why Signs Still Matter in the Digital Age

The digital age has changed the way we do things. Back then, we would send mail through the post office, and it would take days before the recipient gets it. Now, we just send an email, and the recipient gets it instantly. Back then, we needed billboards, TV and radio commercials to promote products, costing us a lot of money. Now, we only need social media to spread the word, and it will not even cost us a dollar.

So, with so many changes brought about by the digital age, many people think that there is no longer any room for printing franchise opportunities. If you can create a virtual store and sell any item online, why would you need a physical sign?

Because Brick-and-Mortar Shops Still Exist

Until every individual in the world is completely ensconced in his or her home, there will still be brick-and-mortar stores for people to visit. And if there are physical stores, they will need signs to advertise their business.

Not every person in the world relies on the internet to look for a store. Sometimes, some even find a store accidentally, while they are walking around the village all because the sign they saw caught their attention.

Top Benefits of Signs

sign outside a shopEven if the digital age has changed so much the way we market our products or promote our businesses, there are still some situations wherein a good sign can come in handy.

One particular advantage of having a sign on your store is that many customers often go to the nearest shop to purchase the items that they need. If you think about it, online purchasing still cannot beat buying from a brick-and-mortar store because some shoppers do not like to wait.

According to research, 85% of a store’s customers often live nearby. And it makes sense because no one from Red Banks is going to drive all the way to midtown Manhattan to buy a pair of pants when there are several department stores right in New Jersey.

So, if you are running a brick-and-mortar store, it is good to invest in signs because you still have people walking around your neighborhood that you can coax to come into your shop. Of course, it will not hurt to advertise your store via social media as well, but do not forget to put up your sign.

Another benefit of having a sign is that it builds your brand image. If you have a sign on your store promoting your business and products, people will tend to remember that sign. And if you make smaller signs of your store and post it elsewhere, people who encountered your store will remember it and might be enticed to visit again.

Signs will always have their influence over people despite the many changes that the digital age has brought. From restroom signs to traffic direction signs, we still need them. And so, for those who are looking to build a business on signage, there is still a market for you.

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